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A Drop in the Ocean

Writer: Sarah OchayaSarah Ochaya

Ugandan locals gathering water at Tamarind Australia's solar powered bore water pump

Water is an essential part of life that no one in the world can live without. We use it to drink so we can live. We use it to wash our clothes so we don’t get sick. We use it to brush our teeth so they don’t fall out! Most recently, we use it to sanitise our hands so we don’t get COVID 19. It is a common thread—a lifeline to the whole world.

Tamarind is a small CBO (Community Based Organisation) that is a drop in the ocean of the needs in developing countries. We are not all things to all people, but we do develop lasting relationships with community to see change in the individual so they can impact their sphere of influence. Tamarind has 2 water projects, one in Sir Winyi Tito School and one in the Bardege Te-dam community. This week we are focusing on the refurbishing of both pumps because they both need repairs and maintence. If it is the end of financial year for you, please take note that Tamarind Australia has tax deductibility and would be more than happy to give you a receipt for any donation over $2.

Kill two birds with one stone by donating to Tamarind and getting a tax-deductible receipt while helping fix an essential life-giving water source for a community of over 500 people.

Partner with us, and be a part of the change to break the poverty cycle in Northern Uganda.


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