As the dry season comes to an end and the rain is back, it has inspired me to think about the next season, not just physically, but also about what that means for Tamarind and the community we reach. I have been thinking a lot about the legacy we leave and the longevity of what we do. In Tamarind, we have always focused on breaking the poverty cycle, not just short term, but for the next generation to come.
Teaching self-sustainable practices and employing people to change mind sets has been at the core of what we do. A lot of the time, it feels like nothing is happening in dry season, but, at times, we are unaware of the changes in the hearts and minds of people. So much of what we do cannot be noted down on paper or quantified. What we do is similar to the picture of the leaf on the bottom of this page. It looks like nothing is happening to this leaf surrounded by dry, brown dirt, but it is changing into beautiful bright shades that reflect more changes on the horizon, just like the heart of those we work with.
It is our hope and our vision that the skills and provision for change Tamarind offers will
affect the next generation and break the poverty cycle. We hope it will allow this
community the chance to live in dignity, supporting themselves and their families. Many things can distract us from spending time with and depending on God. In this culture, poverty can be one of those distractions. However, it can also draw people to God. As we work with and love the people who surround us, we share our faith and trust in God on a personal level. It is a great privilege and honor to share a living, breathing heavenly Father. This weekend, a lovely lady opened her heart to Jesus and invited Him to come walk this life with her. This is one of the most exciting things that happens here in Tamarind.
Though there are constant needs no matter where you are, Tamarind believes the universal need we all have is the need for a Saviour, JESUS. He wants us to be in relationship with our loving, heavenly Father. May you all have this need meet as you journey through 2022.

Our physical needs continue to grow as we serve the people here in Northern Uganda. If you are able to join with us in financial support, this would be greatly appreciated (either one off or monthly).
We also have some one-off expenses we need to cover. We have not been to
Australia in 4 years and would love to travel this November for a visit to see family, friends, and supporters. We are also in need of funds to top up getting a small car. This car is needed to transport our kids to school and for Sarah to run The Tribe project.
Thanks for all the support you have given to Tamarind and us, and for all the support you will continue to give as we RESTORE > REBUILD > RESOURCE lives in Northern Uganda.
Please join us in this journey with regular updates on Facebook and Instagram. Partner with us in this exciting, grass roots, Community Based Organisation.
From the founders,
Chris Ochaya and Sarah Ochaya