Justine, our Tribe bead-workshop manager, just had a baby girl!
We are so excited to let you know that on the 12th of may at 7:30 pm, Aber Sarah joined us. Justine and her family gave me one of the greatest honours here and named their little girl after me! Aber is the Acholi word for beautiful, and it was given to me back in 2010 when I was working in the IDP camps helping people come to terms with their trauma from the war.
It is such a blessing to be involved in the lives of our staff and see them grow in faith and develop to become all God has for them. I have seen Justine grow not only her family, but also the lives of all her children. She has 3 very well-behaved boys who go to school, and I believe they (including Aber) will grow up breaking the poverty cycle, get jobs, and have a good work ethic because of her.
Well done, Justine, for being a super mum in all that you do and providing for your family. We look forward to continuing to work with you. I’m so excited I get a mini me to snuggle!
(hee hee)