Left to right-
Top: Joseph, Brian (aka Man), Robertson, Sampson
Bottom: Justine, Sarah, Chris
This is us!
Tamarind Team
People in our community are working on our Demo Farm, Operation Centre, and in the Tribe bead workshop.
This photo is us!
I must say, when I look at this picture, I am reminded that I am the only international on our team, but I don’t feel like it. After living here for 10 years, I do sometimes forget that I am from another country! I reflect on my wedding vows and the passage that was read from Ruth 1:16
“Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God.
I am reminded that these are my people and we serve them and our God together. Since we love the same God it breaks down cultural barriers.
We have a hard-working, dedicated crew who serve and give beyond their capacity most of the time. We are blessed to have people stay with us long-term and commit to the vision.
Tamarind - Restore Rebuild Resource
Breaking the poverty cycle