Dear Faithful Supporter,
Thanks for all your generosity as we ended the financial year. Sarah is currently working on our Annual Report and the productivity within Tamarind is invigorating. The AR will be sent out after our AGM in October 2024.
We are excited to announce that Chris now has his Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia. This means that he can now travel freely between Uganda and Australia, he can work in Australia and we can stabilize in Australia as the kids continue advancing their education.
Tamarind is continuing to grow and expand and we have transitioned staff to new roles and employed 3 new staff workers.
The tribe continues to be a stable self-sustainable project. All products are manufactured in country using resources from local businesses. The market base that they sell to has a good turnover of stock which sustains wages and the project.
Now Sarah is in Australia, pop up shops will be happening more frequently. The next one will be at a Fair-trade market October 26th Gymea Baptist Church. Stay tuned for more to come.
May you have a blessed rest of the year.
Thank you for joining the Tamarind journey and playing such a vital part in breaking the poverty cycle in Northern Uganda as we Restore>Rebuild>Resource.
Kind regards
Chris and Sarah
Founders Tamarind